Bruce and Jose discuss the signing of the First Step Act into law on December 21, 2018. They outline how the Act and it’s requirements and how it will be implemented through the Department of Justice and the Bureau of Prisons.

While some of the provisions took effect immediately – Sentencing and Compassionate Release – there are several parts of the Bill that will be phased in over the next three years.

Learn the basic process of how someone can be considered for early release under the First Step Act.

Questions that Bruce and Jose discuss:

  • Who will receive the most benefit from the First Step Act?
  • How will inmates benefit from the change to the Good Conduct Time?
  • What is Earned Time Credits? What are “Productive Activities”? And what is the actual benefit an inmate can receive? How will this affect RRC, Home Confinement, and Supervised Release?
  • How does an inmate redeem Earned Time Credits?
  • How will initial designations and transfers be affected by the FSA?


If you or a loved one is going through this and you need a prison consultant to help you expedite things, please don't hesitate to contact us